Women Palante Registration Form for the Mompreneur Program

Thank you for your interest in Women Palante’s Mompreneur Program!

This form will help us get to know you better and understand your goals.

Please complete all fields and submit the form along with the payment of the $260 tuition fee.

Personal info / Información personal

Do you have children? / ¿Tiene hijos?

Business Idea / Idea de negocio

Time Commitment / Compromiso

Do you need childcare support? / ¿Necesitas cuidado de niños/as?

Are you ready to commit to a 15-week program, with approximately 7 hours each week, including in-person meetings? / ¿Estás lista para comprometerte a un programa de 15 semanas, con aproximadamente 7 horas cada semana, incluyendo reuniones presenciales?

Fee / Tarifa

Total Tuition Fee: $260 USD You can make the full payment now or make an initial deposit of $87 USD. / Nota: Valor total de la matrícula: $260 USD, Puedes realizar el pago total ahora o hacer un depósito inicial de $87 USD

Credit Card info / Información de tarjeta de crédito